Saturday, September 5, 2015

Fantastic Four Review

Story: Four young outsiders teleport to an alternate and dangerous universe that alters their physical forms in shocking ways. The four must then team up in order to defend earth from an former friend turned enemy. 

Fantastic Four is a complicated franchise as in the balance between a serious take and a more kid friendly take is hard to balance it seems. 20th Century Fox has had great success in the past with X-men (Days of Future Past took in an estimated 400 mil) but with Fantastic four they have only had mild success but now complete failure. 

I consider their new take on the franchise not a failure but a rough beginning. Their first two attempts were, not bad. Fantastic Four was too kid friendly for its own good so when the sequel with the Silver surfer came, a darker element was implied. But now fan backlash on Galactus made the studio reconsider how to work with the franchise (Galactus was critisized by fans for being nothing more than a space cloud,  sadly the director Tim story did not like putting robots in his films). But enough about past endeavours, how does the new team match up. 

 A realistic placing of the characters the studio's new take on the Fantastic 4 is not as fantastic just average. We get to see Sue use her powers to better effect (she is more of a stronger version than Jessica), Ben Grimm also gets to do some more clobbering this time out and he and Reed (Played brilliantly by Miles Teller) their backstories are fleshed out to give their bond more strength than in the previous two films. 

The main issue, sadly, with the film is its lack of fun and its pacing. The film ends to soon, there is no real build up to the climax and it just needed to really feel more like a superhero film. The fun and humour I found came from the cast, especially Miles Teller and Michael Jordon, those two are very light hearted guys. 

While I am not a huge Fantastic four fan and I am not praising this new adaptation by any means but one thing has to be said, it was an entertaining movie, for me at least. 
Fantastic Four of the new millennium has set up a talented cast with an origins story that does drop the ball here and there, but can easily be fixed by a more fleshed out sequel with more of a focus on the family dynamics. Solid visuals and some solid set pieces don't make Fantastic 4 fantastic but makes it good. 

What they have been getting right though is with Sue Storm making her less invisible and more of a stronger female presence and while Dr. Doom had a horrible costume (weak one in fact) his overall presence was darkly perfect. 

Rating: B- 

American Ultra

Story: A stoner - who is in fact a government agent - is marked as a liability and targeted for extermination. But he's too well-trained and too high for them to handle.

Jesse Eisenberg and Kirsten Stewart star in this action-comedy which is a mix of what I feel of Zombieland and Adventureland, this should be called Drug-inducedactionland. The film, as the story mentions, deals with a stoner who becomes targeted by the government, aka The Bourne Identity, and is set to be killed off. Topher Grace plays the agent behind the dastardly plot and Connie Britton (Nashville) works hard to stop him.

While yes the movie plays off of Jason Bourne a bit the film is one hell of a fun action flick with a wise cracking John Leguizamo making an appearance and Bill Pullman (Independence Day) making a cameo as the head of the CIA. Kirsten and Jesse make for an amazing couple and Kirsten finally gets to play a super bad ass. She is the best she has ever been in this film, she lets it all go and its amazing (and no we do not see her strip down nude)

American Ultra provides an Ultra blast of action entertainment and is a solid film to end the summer on. Great B movie action, a cast set to have some fun and a mostly original storyline. Also, being an artist I loved the fact how Jesse's stoner character was creating a comic about a hero monkey, so cool 

Rating: B+ 

P.S If you are a movie fan you may pick up on actors who starred in movies together such as Walton Goggins (who plays Laugher) and Topher Grace (who plays Adrian Yates). Both actors played bad killers in the sci-fi flick Predators.