Reacher, Jack Reacher. Is he the next James Bond for American audiences? Has Tom decided to take over the role of badass cop aka Bruce Willis. Who knows, as far as this franchise goes looks like a bit of both.
Jack Reacher is an interesting character as he's a drifter, one who drifts from town to town looking for something or someone. In the first film, Jack sought to put an old rival behind bars, now he's gotten entangled in one woman's quest to find the truth. For starters, the sequel has some good points. Cobie Smoulders smoulders on screen as the new female lead, she even by passes Rosamund Pike, as she stands toe to toe with Tom. Honestly like Ilsa Faust from the new MI5, Cobie needs to come back for another one. One of my favourite moments when she and Reacher argue about how he treats women, how he treats her.
As supporting roles go Danika Yarosh reminded me of a young Patricia Arquette, she's strong willed, fierce, firert, and spirited. Aldis Hodge who plays Officer Espin plays an interesting role of one who just wants to do the right thing and I feel is like a young Jack Reacher. A surprise note is that he starred in two Die Hard films, both the third chapter and the most resent one. These films have a habit of casting actors from Die Hard films, Jai Courtney from the first film (Jack Reacher: One Shot) played the son of Bruce Willis from A Good Day to Die Hard). This film actually does follow a similar story, A Good Day to Die Hard deals with Bruce 's character trying to rework his relationship with his son just as Jack Reacher deals with the thoughts that he may have a daughter. While both deal with the similarities with their kids, Jack's story is more mysterious as he does not know if she is her daughter. It also adds a more emotional backbone to the film with a truly emotional climax.
The sequel is not without its downsides. While the father/daughter side plot drives Reacher's character and develops him as more than just a drifter, the main plot has much to be desired. It starts off easy enough as the woman Jack comes to see is behind bars. He makes an effort to help, even when she doesn't want it. He saves her, she makes an effort to do things the right way. They break out

Honestly, the first film has grown on me. Christopher Mcquarrie was a great director making the first film in the vein of action films of the 80s like Road House. There was a limit to the music, a car chase without a background score actually makes you focus on what's going on. It was gritty, intense, shocking, surprising and the story was tight. With the sequel the tone is lifted a bit, its lighter in tone and more in tune with today's action flicks with a love interest, sprinkled humour, an action packed score and a sprawling tale about government conspiracies. Henry Jackman is the shining light as I love him as a composer and he does a terrific job at making a score thats fully entertaining and emotional.
As with the length of the two films I found chapter two to be a little too long. Again, the story in parts didn't seem to go anywhere, it dragged. Action heavy or not the story I wish was more to the point, as I keep saying. I'd say the main issue with the sequel is with its story and changes in tone.
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back is a sequel that is a different beast with more of a lighter tone, more action and a sprawling story. Its one adventure that takes Jack on a journey of self discovery. What really makes this sequel stand up to the first film is its leads. Cobie and Tom work so well together its like magic. Can Jack Reacher reach the heights of M:I? No. Is it an enjoyable time at the movies?its not bad. I love Tom Cruise and this film was a good solid thriller. New lead Cobie Smoulders is excellent.
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back has a solid cast, entertaining action scenes, and a solid emotional backbone that develops Jack's character but lacks a coherent story.
3 out of 4 stars