Monday, May 20, 2013

Star Trek: JJ Abram's Sequel


   I was never a fan of Star Trek, never a real fan. I was more of a fan of Star Wars. But when I heard JJ Abrams' was doing Star Trek I knew I had to see it. Reason is because he practically made the Mission Impossible movies good, with MI3 in 2006 he made way for Brad Bird's 4th instalment Ghost Protocol. Star Trek Into Darkness may be Abrams' best film to date.

Story wise the film may not be as intricate as the 2009 reboot was but its because that in that film they really made an effort to bring the characters back and give them a firm standing. The best part of Star Trek Into Darkness is how the events of the previous movie effect the continuity of the franchise. To me this was a brilliant idea and makes sense but if Abrams' doesn't want Trekkies to kill him best he stay away from messing with continuity.

The casting is brilliant here. Alice Eve plays a devilishly charming girl and gives Kirk a possible future love interest. Benedict Cumberbatch plays the villain Jonathan Harrison and he is beyond brilliant. While there is a good detail on the villain's backstory and he is way more compelling than Eric Bana's villain character from 2009. What Cumberbatch succeeds in doing is giving the character depth both on the outside and inside. I loved him in this and thought he made the perfect villain.

The continued bonding of Kirk and Spock was done perfectly and all the others, old and new, got their time to shine. Simon Pegg was very good in this as well, along with all the others including Bruce Greenwood and Karl Urban. Chris Pine was just perfectly vulnerable in this and I can't wait to see him play the role of Jack Ryan.

Overall I felt that this film hit all the right notes and came off as a fantastic sequel to the 2009 reboot, I mean come on people, did we really want a Quantum of a sequel or isn't better to appreciate it for what it is, a film that Rises to the occasion.

Star Trek Into Darkness gets a 5 out of 5 from me as its just a top notch better than the 2009 film with a more efficient villain.

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