When growing up, the Terminator films always interested me, the dystopian future, strong female starlet and action icon of the age Arnold Schwarzenegger. Two sequels came in 2003, Rise of the Machines and 2009, Salvation with Christian Bale. Both movies took the series in a newer and interesting directions, with number four even replacing Arnold with new comer Sam Worthington. Eventually though the franchise needed a proper conclusion to the James Cameron originals, and I feel with Genisys they have finally done so.
Truth, the James Cameron originals I had only seen on either television or VHS, it wasn’t until 2003 where I saw Terminator: Rise of the Machines with my family on a summer vacation. Since than I have seen every terminator film in theatres, Genisys being the latest one.
In this fifth instalment Paramount Pictures tries to do a soft reboot to the franchise to try and bring the fans of old back. They do this by reworking the original timeline of the series. Of course to some this sadly distanced them as some of the timeline framework became confusing or unnecessary. There really have been some outspoken individuals who feel the franchise should stay buried, which is sad cause the mythology and characters with-in this series is still rich with story material. I also find the idea of reworking the timelines to be an interesting topic of discussion about how one goes about changing one’s future.
In short, the new film seeks to write the errors of the past a la Days of Future Past and begin a new franchise. I, like James Cameron, do agree that this new film acts as a great third chapter to his first two films, due to the film's strong ties to the original films as this instalment starts out in 1984, rewriting the events of the original terminator and essentially changing the franchise's timeline. The film starts out with Kyle Reese (played with grace and swagger by Jai Courtney) narrating about how Judgement day came about. We then see how he and John came to meeting. Whats so great about the opening of the film is how true in spirit it sticks with the original films.
Starting with the opening battle scene where John Connor and crew head and operation to stop Skynet from using a backup plan to send the T-800 back in time to kill Sarah Connor. The battle is everything a fan can hope for with machines firing off lasers, unlike in Salvation where bullets were used more instead over lasers). Once the explosive battle is over the time comes to send Kyle Reese back in time to protect Sarah from the terminator. Everything seems to go smoothly until John is attacked by a machine, not killed but something else. Kyle is unable to help but something happens to him too as old memories change.

Arnold showing some thighs and big muscles. Jai also shows up in the nude later on. The fight between Arnold old and new is such a fun delight and one of the highlights of the new instalment. Eventually though the '84 T-800 is taken out by a sniper. We learn of course that the sniper is Sarah Connor.
Terminator 5 is the first film in the franchise to squeeze in as many killer bots as possible. Kyle Reese eventually faces off with the '84 T-800 model, how you ask. Well that all happens after Kyle meets the T-1000, who we learn can actually reboot downed terminators. Both are eventually put down, the T-1000 in a shower of acid. All that action from the future war sequence to the 1984 chases are just the part 1 of the film as John learns Sarah plans to jump ahead into the future and stop judgement day from happening as in 1997 the date for told in the second terminator film is when the bombs will fall. But Kyle tells her that might not be true anymore than how he found her working with a terminator and not scared.
Oh, another cool thing about this instalment is Sarah's backstory. It is covered in some mystery but for the main part a protector is sent to serve as Sarah Connor's guardian and trainer as the machines sent a terminator back in time to kill her parents. She eventually tells Kyle this after she agrees to change her plans.
Those being instead of heading to '97 they go farther into the future and land in 2017 where a new app called Genisys is being planned to launch in a few days. They eventually reunite with the aging terminator and a detective, played by the wonderful J.K Simmons. Now I know, he was significantly under used here but what's so great about it is if a future movie comes along he could come back in a bigger part. What was cool about Simmons role is he is another effect of the timeline change as Kyle and Sarah saved his life back in '84. Turns out he was the other officer on that night when Kyle was running away from the T-1000 in the clothing store.
The film's third act is reminiscent of T2 as it combines both the Cyberdine office building sequence with the factory sequence at the end and packs quiet the punch. Also they end up having to deal with a new terminator, one who turns out to be someone very close to them (Kyle and Sarah) This new machine, a mix between all 3 past terminators is a tough guy as he beats Arnold's old t-800 into the ground. The battles between these two terminators is just as awesome as all the other battle sequences and this 5th time out there is more of an emotional under-tone as Sarah cares deeply for Arnold's old t-800, even going so far as nicknaming him Pops.
With some great twists and surprises (sadly the big one was spoiled in the marketing but I will not spoil it either way) Terminator Genisys ends on a very satisfactory note. When you watch it for the first time it may seem like it overstays its welcome but believe me upon second viewing you don't want to leave your seat.Terminator: Rise of the Machines is still my all time favourite terminator movie but Terminator: Genisys brings the franchise back from the dead with a great return by Arnold, a strong likeable cast, great visuals and an action packed story.
One last thing that I surely enjoyed about this instalment and why I would consider it way better than Salvation is that it acts as both a closing chapter to the entire franchise or as the beginning of a new trilogy. There is a scene in the film that shows that Skynet is still kicking. Sadly I don't see them making any more soon. Here's hoping.
Rating: B+
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