Casting/Acting: Henry Caville is terrific as superman here. He grounds the character in a way no other actor has. We feel for him, relate to him and understand his love and respect for his parents, especially his mother. Henry also built himself up for the role unlike the actors previous. He has a perfect american accent, looks so amazing in the suit, and is so astounding in the role that I truly believe he portrays superman the best. Dylan Sprayberry and Cooper Timberline are also great as the younger versions of Clark, Dylan especially cause he does some of the heavy lifting as he portrays Clark in his high school years.

Now, who was not disappointed that for the role of Lois Lane in 2006's Superman Returns they hired Kate Bosworth. She looked like she was wearing a wig half the time and looked like a store mannequin. Anyone would have been better than her, So I was relieved to hear Amy Adams got the role. She is fantastic as Lois Lane. Like Henry
she grounds her character in reality and gives her a badass attitude. But she is also soft and caring when she needs to be. An excellent piece of casting.

The Kents are played so amazingly well by some great actors, Kevin Costner and Diane Lane. These two were terrific together. They just fit so well into their roles. Diane just oozes motherly love, I felt a real connection to her as she seemed so real like a real mother she reminded me of
my own. Kevin is Kevin, he's terrific. He gives it his all and comes out swinging portraying the father who wants to teach Clark how to control his abilities and just in being a good person.
Perry White this time round is portrayed by black actor Laurence Fishburne. He does not have very much to do in the film but he solidifies himself in the role and gives a perfect performance as the head of the daily planet. He also provides some great comic relief to his part, his banter with Amy's Lois is among some of the best stuff in this movie.
The Villains: Zod and Faora are the main villains and they are fantastic. Zod played by Michael Shannon and Faora played by Pandorum's Antje Traue are just so 3-dimensonal as their characters. Mike drives the meaning in Zod's character and Antje just makes Faora into such a great badass villain that no one I know could possibly top it. Best line "One's true death is one's greatest reward"
This is getting long so I'll have to cut it here and make a part 3 where I'll talk of the great Hans Zimmer and give a run down of his score.
Part 3, on the way!
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