Thursday, February 14, 2013

Die Hard 5.0

   In the fifth instalment in the die hard franchise we finally meet John McClane's son Jack. He's tied up in an investigation involving highly dangerous uranium. The film's main plot is weak but the chemistry between the leads Jai and Bruce works well and having Mary Elizabeth Winstead in the film was a plus too, she makes more than just a brief cameo at the beginning. What I would have liked is more of a well known cast. With it being such a blockbuster franchise you'd think they could get a stronger cast "John Noble, Naomi Rapace??" John Moore's direction is solid but Skip Woods script is complete trash. Not much of an interesting plot here but it is still an entertaining instalment, though the shortest one in the franchise. On the plus side, there were some very good twists in the third act and it was a very explosive finale. The film could of also done better with a more interesting villain. The main cast is good but the villains and the script are horrible.

3 1/2 out of 5

2/18/13 7:07pm

Today I revisited A good day to die hard, and you know what, I loved it. Yes, the script is thin but it is still a very enjoyable movie. It changes the formula, this time John McClane goes looking for trouble aka his son needing help "even if he does not admit it". A nice lack of CGI, most everything is done in a realistic manner. Jai Courtney is terrific as John's son Jack and the ending is very heartwarming. Most of all the movie is hugely entertaining. A thrilling car chase, shootouts and massive explosions. I also find that there is a reasonable explanation as to why John McClane survives so much with little scratch. He's developed a hard skin. He can take it. He's badass and so's his son. I loved Die Hard 5 and thought the director, John Moore, did a fantastic job with what he had to work with in ways of a weak script. The one reason to see this movie is to learn of his relationship with his son and who his son is. People may say that John is barely in the movie and I do believe Jai may be taking over the franchise as the new John McClane. And I am okay with that, in fact I'm thrilled. Jai is fantastic in this. I find that the people who complained about that are the ones who complained about Batman being absent from The Dark Knight Rises or Matt Damon not being in Legacy, or Arnold having little to do with Terminator 4. Movie franchises evolve and we should let them, stop living in the past!

4 out of 5


What would have really benefited the movie is a prologue detailing the villains backstories about Chernobyl.

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