Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Side Effects

With it being terrible weather outside I decided that today would be a good day to catch a movie. I went and saw Side Effects. Now, this is supposedly Steven Soderbergh's last film. He goes back to the kind of story telling he did in Contagion, this time dealing with therapists and prescription drugs. Steven works with one hell of a cast. Jude Law (Contagion) is fantastic. Catharine- Zeta Jones (Ocean's Twelve) is as mysterious and sexy as ever. Channing Tatum (Magic Mike, Haywire) is phenomenal here, he turns in another strong performance. The real talent in this is defiantly Ronney Mara. Work wise she has been doing amazing, starring in The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo and coming out with an oscar nomination. She is simply amazing in this, her performance is real and gripping. The story over all is very Hitchcockian. One last thing. Thomas Newman does the score for this film, not Cliff Martinez, and it is fabulous. He does an amazing job and crafts one of the best scores of the year. I'm seriously hopping he gets a nod for his work on this one. And I hope he finally wins. He lost out to Life of Pi this year, but hopefully next year he'll finally grab a win!!

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